Motown's Pizza
This restaurant sources their meat and chicken from Saad Wholesale Meats.
Saad Wholesale Meats operates as a meat distributor, obtaining their meat from multiple sources, including slaughtering on their own, though the specific process of slaughtering is unknown. The chicken is outsourced from brands such as Mountaire Farms, Koch Foods, and Noor Al-Jabal, which are all machine slaughtered brands. Every time our organization has sought information from them, we have received inconsistent responses. Furthermore, they do not allow anyone to witness the slaughtering process.
Due to the lack of transparency and uncertainty surrounding their practices, our scholars advise caution and suggest avoiding their products - The fundamental principle regarding meat is that it is considered forbidden (haram) by default until its halal status is established - this is a principle held across all schools of thought in Islamic Jurisprudence.